War Thunder Account - LEVEL 39 - Captain RANK - 60 ELITE UNITS - 875.141 SILVER LIONS
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Top seller
$ 42.89

STATISTISTICS :  warthunder. c om/en/community/userinfo/?nick=Deagles_666 ( remove spaces )

War Thunder Account Overview

Registration: Feb 24. 2015(Gaijin) Feb 24. 2015 (War Thunder)

Stats: 1301 (47%) WINS

Rank & Level: Commander, Level 39 Elite Units : 60 Silver Lions : 875.141

No Snap to Email or Phone – A reliable, established account for dedicated players!

the email is not verified The phone number is not attached

After purchase you will receive : login and password of Older accounts, hence the low price

Terms and Conditions: First time after purchase, don't donate to the game, don't make purchases on the account, so you won't be banned by Gaijin for it If you have any issues with the account, message me in chat and I'll help you out.

You can try to attach your email in a Few Months , by contacting Gaijin support if it is necessary and important for you

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