Ho-oh apex ( purified when trade) with legacy move sacred fire++
Vitesse de livraison
24 hours
Prix unitaire
$ 99.95
Item Type
Legendary Pokemon
Combat Power
Choose Legendary Pokemon

♦ What you will get: 

- Ho-Oh Apex ( Purified when Trade) with Legacy move Sacred Fire+

Note: CP and IV will be radomly changed after trading. 

 ♦ What you will do:


- Send me your friend code (when purchasing)

- Send me your coordination when we both are awake and communicating (can open google map and copy your current coordination) 

♦ What I will do:

- Send you a friend request (you need to acccept me as a friend and send me a gift or open my gift to become good friend)

-Teleport to your location and trade the pokemon to you via trading function in game

♦ What you need:

-1M Stardust as you have not registered the pokemon in pokedex 

- 20k Stardust as you have registered the pokemon in pokedex 

Please message me when you want to get items

Thank you!