1k-3k RAP | Unverified Account | 2008-2015 Join
Vitesse de livraison
2 hours
Prix unitaire
$ 9.90

This Roblox account has a RAP (Recent Average Price) of 1-3k.

RAP refers to the Recent Average Price of limited items in Roblox, representing how much an account's collection is worth based on the average selling price of these limited items. Limiteds are items that can be sold for Robux, but to sell or trade them, you must have Roblox Premium. This account does not have Premium, so you would need to purchase it separately.

The account dates back to somewhere between 2008 and 2015, making it relatively old. It's also unverified, meaning it has never been verified with an email or phone number, and as a result, I can't recover it if it's lost.